My friend Cayla and I had to do a superhero project not to long ago....
I (in the end) did the ENTIRE damn project...
She only agreed...
So here is our super hero.....
As a little girl
Jacqueline Black enjoyed staring at
random places or at random people as well as playing with her pet snake named Eliza, which finally died after a freak accident where one of her friends named Gerald Freemont (A.K.A Gweeb) ate her leaving behind a small snake offspring which Jacqueline named Squeaky. She enjoys techno music, especially when she levitates and flies around town to run airings for her guardian, Dr. Chatsalot.
Becoming a young woman
Jacqueline Black finally was let free out of the Gotham City Insane Asylum at age 18 where she then changed her name to Black Jack (the nickname that her life long friend Gweeb used to call her). Black Jack paid attention to the happenings in the world and decided that something was not right. She swore to use her powers for good and only good, she was up all night making her own costume and she became the superhero she is today.
Dear Mrs. Brady:
I am writing to you at the suggestion of Black Jack to be the next world wide superhero. Everyone is in need of a new name to shout for when in need of help. Black Jack is the name the world shall soon know everywhere. I believe she is what the world needs.
Black Jack's super powers include levitation, telekinesis, mind reading abilities, driving the sane insane, making an awesome ham and cheese sandwich, and using ultra violet rays to kill those who cannot be brought to justice.
Again I would like to thank you for taking your time to read this letter and I hope you choose what is best for the world and it's citizens.
* Jack Black's full name is Jacqueline Black
* Born in an insane asylum
* Misshapen mouth
* Has pet snake name Squeaky
* Is the offspring of the Joker and his girlfriend Harley Quinn
Cayla Rexrode & McKena Soules
What do you think of our Super hero?